School Start Up Information


School Schedule

  • 8:35am - 8:50am - 1st Recess  
  • 8:50am - 10:30am - Learning Time  
  • 10:30am - 10:45am - 2nd Recess
  • 10:45am - 11:45am - Learning Time
  • 11:45am - 12:45pm - Lunch 
  • 12:45pm - 2:15pm- Learning Time
  • 2:15pm - 2:30pm - 3rd Recess
  • 2:30pm - 3:40pm - Learning Time
  • 3:40pm Dismissal  *New Dismissal Time 

1st Day of School (SEPTEMBER 5TH for ALL STUDENTS)

  • Families are welcome to be on the playground during drop off on the first day of school to help their child find their teacher and adjust to the first day.  In the future, parents are asked not to be on the playground to help decrease congestion on the playground.  Please arrange a meeting spot with your child for the end of the day pick up.
  • Prior to 8:50am, teachers will be out on the playground holding a sign with their name on to help children know where to gather.  Other staff will be available to help children as well.

End of the Day

  • Students will be released at 3:40pm if they are walking home or being picked up.  

Water Bottles

  • Please send your child with a FULL water bottle everyday.  Water  bottle refill stations remain available.

Parents or Visitors at School

  • If you need to pick up your child (ie. for an appointment).  Please come through the front doors and use the buzzer in the vestibule to communicate with the office.